Lesson 76 – الدَّرْسُ السَّادِسُ والسَّبْعونَ

The meanings of the prepositions - معاني حروف الجر

The preposition (fī)– حرف الجر "فِي"

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  • The original meaning of this preposition is the circumstantial meaning (in, or inside), as in the following examples:


Meaning of the preposition



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In a place

I prayed in the mosque

صَلَّيْتُ فِي المَسْجِدِ

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In a time

I work at night

أَعْمَلُ فِي اللَّيْلِ

  • Sometimes the circumstantial meaning of (fī) is metaphoric, or figurative, as in the following examples:




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Amer (sunk) fell in love of his wife

غَرِقَ عَامِرٌ فِي حُبِّ زَوْجَتِهِ

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Saeed was lost in thinking

تاهَ سَعِيدٌ فِي التَّفْكِيرِ

  • Let's Continue to learn Arabic through our free Arabic language course. This Arabic course contains Arabic grammar, Arabic syntax, Arabic morphology and more.
  • (Fī) is sometimes used with the meaning of (ilā) or (ξalā) as in the following examples:




علَى الجدار

I put the lamp on the wall

وَضَعْتُ الْمِصْباحَ فِي الجِدَارِ

عَلى مَهْدِهِ

The mother put her son in his bed

وَضَعَتِ الأُمُّ طِفْلَها فِي مَهْدِهِ

إلَى جَيْبِهِ

My father put the money back in his pocket

رَدَّ أَبِي المالَ فِي جَيْبِهِ