Lesson 51 – الدَّرْسُ الْواحِدُ وَالْخَمْسُونَ
The Mamdūd Noun الاسـم الممـدود
Dual and Plural Forms of the Mamdūd Noun - جَمْعُ وَتَثْنَيةُ الاِسْمِ المَمْدُودِ
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- Getting the dual and plural forms of the Mamdūd Noun depends on the type of its hamza.
1- Radical hamza: If the hamza is radical, it remains as it is in the dual and plural forms. Consider the following examples:
/barrâ'/ | /darrâ'/ | /qarrâ'/ | Masculine singular |
/barrâ'ah | /darrâ'ah/ | /qarra'ah/ | Feminine singular |
/barrâ'āni/ | /darrâ'āni/ | /qarrâ'āni/ | Dual, in the nominative case |
/barrâ'ayni/ | /darrâ'ayni/ | /qrrâ'ayni/ | Dual, in the accusative or genitive case |
/barrâ'ūna/ | /darrâ'ūna/ | /qarrâ'ūna/ | Masculine plural |
/barrâ'āt/ | /darrâ'āt/ | /qarrâ'āt/ | Feminine plural |
- As you see, the hamza does not change in the feminine or masculine dual and plural forms of the Mamdūd Noun because this hamza is radical أصْليّةٌ.
2- Converted hamza: If the hamza of the Mamdūd Noun is converted from wāw (و) or yā' (ي), it can be converted into wāw (و), or it can remain as it is in the dual and plural forms. Consider the following examples:
/babbaghā'/ | /balā'/ | /bannā’/ | Masculine singular |
/samā'/ | Feminine singular | ||
/babbaghā'ni/, /babbaghāwāni/ | /balā'āni/, /balāwāni/ | /samā'āni/, /samāwāni/
| Dual, in the nominative case |
/babbaghā'ayni/, /babbaghāwayni/ | /balā'ayni/, /balāwayni/ | /samā'ayni/, /samāwayni/ | Dual, in the accusative or genitive case |
/bannā’ūna/, /bannāwūna/ | Masculine plural | ||
/babbaghā'āt/, /babbaghāwāt/ | /balā'āt/ /balāwāt/ | /samā'āt/, /samāwāt/ | Feminine plural |
- 3- Augmented hamza for femininity: If the hamza of the Mamdūd Noun is augmented for femininity, it will change into wāw (و). Consider the following examples:
/ħasnā'/ | /zarqâ'/ | /ŝaħrâ'/ | Feminine singular |
/ħasnāwāni/ | /zarqâwāni/ | /ŝaħrâwāni/ | Dual, in the nominative case |
/ħasnāwayni/ | /zarqāwayni/ | /ŝaħrāwayni/ | Dual, in the accusative or genitive case |
/ħasnāwāt/ | /zarqâwāt/ | /ŝaħrâwāt/ | Feminine plural |