Lesson 59 – الدَّرْسُ التَّاسِعُ وَالْخَمْسُونَ

/kāna/ and its sisters - كـانَ وَأَخَوَاتُـهـا

/kāna/ and its sistersكـان وَأَخَواتِـها

  • Let's Continue to learn Arabic through our free Arabic language course. This Arabic course contains Arabic grammar, Arabic syntax, Arabic morphology and more.
  • /kāna/ and its sisters are thirteen Arabic verbs. We have just learnt seven of them in the previous part of this lesson, and now we are going to study the remaining six verbs in this part In-Shā’-Allâh (God willing).
  •  Before we start studying these verbs we would like to remind you that these verbs are called annuller verbs (أفْعَال ناسِخَة /afξāl nāsikhah/), which intervene in the nominal sentence only. The sentence remains nominal sentence although it begins with one of these verbs.
  • Each of the previous six verbs makes the subject qualified by the predicate in the same tense of the annuller verb. The seven remaining verbs have different meanings, e.g. (لَيْسَ /laysa/) means the negation.
  • The following table shows the rest of the annuller verbs with examples.



Annuller verb





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The price is not convenient

لَيْسَ السِّعْرُ مُنَاسِبًا

/laysa as siξru munāsiban/

Not (negating verb)



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My friend is still faithful

مَا زَالَ صَدِيقِي وَفِيًّا.

/mā zāla ŝadīqī wafiyyan




/mā zāla/

لا يزالُ

/lā yazālu/

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Arabic language is still very important

لا تَزَالُ العَرَبِيَّةُ لُغَةً مُهِمَّةً جِدًّا

/lā tazālu al lughatu al ξarabiyyatu lughatan muhimmatan ĵiddan/

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The student is still excellent in his study

مَا بَرِحَ الطَّالِبُ مُتَفَوِّقًا فِي دِرَاسَتِهِ

/mā bariħa aŧ ŧâlibu mutafawwiqan fī dirâsatihi/

Still (to continue to be or to do)




لا يبْرَحُ

/lā yabraħu/

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I will continue to obey my parents

لا أَبْرَحُ مُطِيعًا لِوَالِدَيَّ

/lā abraħu muŧīξan liwālidayya/

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The science is still useful

مَا فَتِيءَ العِلْمُ مُفِيدًا

/mā fati’a al ξilmu mufīdan/

Still (to continue to be or to do)



/mā fati’a/

لا يفْتَأُ

/lā yafta’u/

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You continue being charitable to poor people

لا تَفْتَأُ مُحْسِنًا للفُقَراء

/lā tafta’u muħsinan lil fuqarâ’i/

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The cold weather is still severe

مَا اِنْفَكَّ البَرْدُ قَارِصًا

/mā infakka al bardu qâriŝan/

Still (to continue to be or to do)


ما اِنْفَكَّ

/mā infakka/

لا ينْفَكُّ

/lā yanfakku/

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People are still co-operating

مَا انْفَكَّ النَّاسُ مُتَعَاوِنِين

/mā infakka an nāsu mutξāwinīna/

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I do not raise my voice as long as my father is present

لا أَرْفَعُ صَوْتِي، مَا دَامَ أبِي مَوْجُودًا

/lā arfaξu ŝawtī mā dāma abī mawĵūdan/

As long as


/mā dāma/

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As long as success is important, I have to succeed

مَا دَامَ النَّجَاحُ مُهِمًّا فَيَجِبُ أَنْ أَنْجَحَ

/mā dāma an naĵāħu muhimman, fa yaĵibu an anĵaħa/