Lesson 12 - الدَّرْسُ الثَّانِيَ عَشَرَ

Introduction – مُقَدِّمَةٌ

  • This is lesson twelve of our free Arabic language course. This Arabic course with images and audios will help you learn Arabic.
  • In this lesson we will learn the following things In-Shā’-Allâh:
    • In the first part of the lesson, we will learn how to have a dialogue in Arabic.
    • We will also learn how to convert a masculine verb into a feminine verb (see below):



Gender (Grammatical Term)

He went


الْفِعْلُ الْمُذَّكَرُ

Masculine Verb

She went


الْفِعْلُ الْمُؤَنَّثُ

Feminine Verb

You (masculine) went


الْفِعْلُ الْمُذَكَّرُ

Masculine Verb

You (feminine) went


الْفِعْلُ الْمُؤَنَّثُ

Feminine Verb

    • We will also learn the feminine form of the Relative Pronoun. We have already learnt the masculine form of the Relative Pronoun الَّذِي in Lesson 09 section 004. We know that a Relative Pronoun is a pronoun used to show the reference or relation between the nouns. The Relative Pronoun is called الاسْمُ الْمَوْصُولُ in Arabic. If the Relative Pronoun refers to a human being it is to be translated "who" and if it refers to non human beings it is translated "which / that".

Relative noun

الاسْمُ الْمَوْصُولُ

Who (for human beings)


Which/That (for non human beings)