Lesson 27 – الدَّرْسُ السَّابِعُ وَالْعِشْرُونَ

The Maqŝūr, Manqūŝ and Mamdūd Nouns - الاسْمُ الْمَقْصُورُ والْمَنْقُوصُ والْمَمْدُودُ

General Exercise – تَدْرِيبٌ عَامٌّ

  • This is also an exercise part in our free Arabic language course. This Arabic course with images and audios will help you learn Arabic.
  • In this section we will have multiple questions to test your understanding of the principles we have learned In-Shā'-Allâh (God-Willing).  To answer the questions:

o   Type the complete answer for the following questions by selecting the question and using the on-screen keyboard or your actual keyboard.

o   Use the Shift key to enter characters on the upper portions of the letters and use full diacritics in your answers – e.g. fathah, kasrah, sukūn etc.

o   Do not use diacritics in the following cases:

§  The Alif followed by laam ال (while the laam itself can be signed with a vowel)

§  The laam followed by alif لا (while the Alif itself can be signed when it comes with hamzah).

§  Do not put the small Alif on words like هٰذا

§  Do not put diacritics on long vowels.

o   Upon completion of all questions, click on the Mark button to see the correct answer and to get your mark.

·         For more instructions click here.

أَكْمِلِ الْجُمَلَ الآتِيَةَ بالاسْمِ الْمَقْصُورِ أَوِ المَنْقُوصِ أَوِ الْمَمْدُودِ الْمُنَاسِبِ

  • The Arabic sentence above means "Complete the following sentences with the suitable Maqŝūr, Manqūŝ or Mamdūd nouns”.

المسلم دائما ........ إلى الخير
The Muslim is always …..good
Madinah Arabic question sound
يجْلِسُ أَبِي علَى ......
My father sits at …………
Madinah Arabic question sound
البَيْتُ هو ....... الأُسْرَةِ
Home is the……….of the family
Madinah Arabic question sound
محمد ......... مِنْ إبْرَاهِيم
Muhammad is…….than Ibrahim
Madinah Arabic question sound
حَضَر ......... الاجْتِماع
.... attended the meeting
Madinah Arabic question sound
ذَهَبَ المَرِيضُ إلَى .........
The patient was admitted to the……
Madinah Arabic question sound
حَضَر ........... إلى المحكمة
The ………reached the court
Madinah Arabic question sound
أَذْهَبُ إلى ......... كل يَوْم
I go to the ……every day
Madinah Arabic question sound
هذا ثوبٌ ............. جِدًّا
This garment is very ………..
Madinah Arabic question sound
هَذِهِ حَقِيبَة ٌ ..........
This bag is…………….
Madinah Arabic question sound
سَأَقْضِي العُطْلَةَ في ..........
I will spend the holiday in the …………..
Madinah Arabic question sound
نَزَلَ المَطَرُ مِنْ ...........
Rain fell from the……….
Madinah Arabic question sound
هذا الرجل ............. جَيِّد
This man is a good………….
Madinah Arabic question sound
البِنْتُ عُيُونها ...........
The girl's eyes are……………
Madinah Arabic question sound