Lesson 70 – الدَّرْسُ السَّبْعونَ
The concomitant object - الْمَفْعُول مَـعَـهُ
Introduction - مُقَدِّمَةٌ
- This is lesson seventy of our free Arabic language course. This Arabic course with images and audios will help you learn Arabic.
- In this lesson we will study the concomitant object (الْمَفْعُول مَعَهُ) which is the last type of the Arabic objects (الْمَفاعيل / al mafāξīl) In-Shā’-Allâh (God willing).
- We learnt earlier that the Arabic objects are accusative dispensable nouns in the Arabic verbal sentence.
- The concomitant object is an accusative dispensable noun (supplement), preceded by the particle (و /wāw/) of concomitance (meaning with). The concomitant object indicates the companionship of the object with the action of the verb, as in the following examples:
Picture | English meaning | Arabic example |
| Muhammad walked along the Nile | /sāra Muħammadun wan nīla/ |
| Ali woke up at the dawn | اِسْتَيْقَظَ عَلِيٌّ والْفَجْرَ /istayqađha Aliyyun wal faĵra/ |
| I studied under the lamp | /dhākartu wal miŝbāħa/ |
- In this lesson we will learn the conditions under which the noun can be accusative concomitant object In-Shā’-Allâh (God willing).
- We will also learn the difference between the noun falling after the particle (و /wāw/) of concomitance and the particle (و /wāw/) of coordination (attraction). We will learn that the noun after (و /wāw/) of concomitance is an accusative object, while the noun after (و /wāw/) of coordination follows the grammatical case of the noun which precedes the particle (و /wāw/).