Lesson 44 – الدَّرْسُ الرَّابِع وَالأرْبَعُونَ
Pronouns (1 of 5) – الضَّمَائرُ (١ من ٥)
The detached pronouns الضَّمير المُنْفَصِل
Introduction - مُقَدِّمَةٌ
- This is lesson forty four of our free Arabic language course. This Arabic course with images and audios will help you learn Arabic.
- It is hard enough to study all the Arabic pronouns in one lesson, so we prefer to divide them into five lessons. In this introduction we will see the plan of these five lessons. We will have a general idea about the types of the Arabic pronouns, and how they will be divided in the incoming lessons In-Shā'-Allâh (God willing).
- We learnt earlier that the Arabic words are divided into three categories: noun, verb, and particle.
- We also studied that the nouns are divided into declinable and indeclinable nouns, and that there are some nouns that are always definite and this is why they do not need prefixing with “al-” (the definition article), annexation or the tanwīn. We discussed this type of declinable nouns in Part 4 of Lesson 25.
- In these five lessons, we will discuss one of the indeclinable nouns that are always definite In-Shā’a-Allâh. These are the pronouns الضَّمائِر /ađ-đamā’ir/.
- The pronoun can be one of two types: prominent pronoun (الضَّمير الْبارِز /ađ-đamīr albāriz/) and latent pronoun (الضَّمير المُسْتَتِر /ađ-đamīr almustatir/). The prominent pronoun keeps an apparent form in the oral or written composition, while the latent pronoun disappears after the verb whether in speaking or in writing.
- The prominent personal pronoun (الضَّمير الْبارِز /ađ-đamīr albāriz/) is divided into two categories:
- First: the detached pronoun (الضَّمير المُنْفَصِل /ađ-đamīr al munfaŝil/) which is written alone separately from the other words. This pronoun can be in a place of nominative (مَحَلّ رَفْع /maħall rafξ) or accusative (مَحَلّ نَصْب / maħall naŝb).
- Second: the attached pronoun (الضَّمير المُتَّصِل /ađ-đamīr al muttaŝil) which falls at the end of the word and is made part of it. This pronoun can be in nominative (مَحَلّ رَفْع /maħall rafξ), accusative (مَحَلّ نَصْب / maħall naŝb) or genitive place (مَحَلّ جَرّ / maħall ĵarr).
- See these examples of the prominent pronouns (الضَّمائر الْبارِزة /ađ-đamā'ir albārizah/) in the following table:
Attached pronoun | Detached pronoun |
| |||
Genitive | Accusative | Nomination | Accusative | Nominative | |
Example | |||||
Our father has come | I thank you | Where did you go? | It is you that we adore | I and you are travelling | Translation |
Jā’a wālidunā | ashkurukum | Ayna dhahabta | Iyyāka naξbudu | Anā wa anta musāfirān-i | Transliteration |
- The second type is the latent pronoun (الضَّمير المُسْتَتِر /ađ-đamīr almustatir/), which is divided into two parts: obligatorily latent, and permissibly latent, and these two types can occupy four positions:
- The agent (فاعِل /fāξil/) of a verbal sentence.
- The pro-agent (نائِب الفاعل /nā'ib al-fāξil) in the passive voice sentence.
- After a verb of exclusion (اسْتِثْناء /istithnā'/).
- After a verb of astonishment (تَعَجُّب /taξaĵĵub/).
- In the following table we can see some examples for the latent pronouns:
With astonishment verb | With exclusion verb | Pro-agent | Agent |
Example | ||||
How beautiful is the spring | The students have come except one | The lesson was understood well | We will write the lesson | Translation |
Mā aĵmala ar-rabī’ | Ħsđara aŧŧâlibu mā ξadā wāħidan | Ad-darsu fuhima ĵayyidan | Sawfa naktubu ad-darsa | Transliteration |
- We are going to study each type of the above mentioned pronouns with all persons: the absent (third person) (الغائب /al ghā'ib), the spoken to (second person) (المُخاطَب /al mukhāŧab), and the speaker (first person) (المُتَكَلِّم /al mutakallim).
- We will summarized all pronouns for the singular, dual, and plural in both genders In-Shā’-Allâh (God willing).
- In this first lesson we will study the detached pronouns (الضَّمير المُنْفَصِل /ađ-đamīr al munfaŝil/), so the lesson will study the two types of the detached pronouns which are the nominative and the accusative detached pronouns In-Shā’-Allâh (God willing).
- The second lesson (lesson 45) will study just one part of the attached pronouns (الضَّمير المُتَّصِل /ađ-đamīr al muttaŝil), which is the nominative attached pronoun (ضَّمير الرَّفْع المُتَّصِل / đamīr ar-rafξ al muttaŝil).
- The third lesson (lesson 46) will deal with another part of the attached pronoun, i.e. the accusative attached pronoun (ضَّمير النَصْبِ المُتَّصِل / đamīr an-naŝb al muttaŝil).
- In the fourth lesson (lesson 47) we will study the last part of the attached pronouns, which is the genitive attached pronoun (ضَّمير الجَّرَّ المُتَّصِل / đamīr al-ĵarr al muttaŝil). By these four lessons we finish studying the prominent pronoun.
- The fifth lesson (lesson 48) will study the remaining part of the personal pronoun, which is the latent pronoun (الضَّمير المُسْتَتِر /ađ-đamīr almustatir/) In-Shā’-Allâh (God willing).
- In addition to this you will find all the five lessons supported with examples and exercises In-Shā’-Allâh (God willing). Please be patient and go on to this first lesson.
- This lesson will study the detached pronouns, and will be divided in the following parts:
- Part (2): The nominative detached pronoun (ضَّمير الرَّفْع المُنفَصِل / đamīr ar-rafξ al munfaŝil).
- Part (3): Exercises.
- Part (4): Exercises.
- Part (5): The accusative detached pronouns (ضَّمير النَّصْبِ المُنفَصِل / đamīr ar-rafξ al munfaŝil).
- Part (6): Exercises.
- Part (7): Revision.